Additional digital strike of Modi government on China: Central government shuts down 43 more mobile applications

Additional digital strike of Modi government on China: Central government shuts down 43 more mobile applications

The Indian government on Monday inaugurated a digital strike on China following tensions on the border with China. The Centre’s Modi government has prohibited 43 applications. Which comprises the name of the larger application. It has already shut down outstanding apps like UC Browser, Cam Scanner, Share It, Viva Video, including the most popular Tiktok app in India.

A total of 220 mobile app bans

  • Encompasses Alibaba, Camcard and Cardreader
  • Modi government’s fourth digital strike on China
  • Impenetrable September 2 118 applications
  • Ali Supplier, Alibaba Workbench App Banned

The Indian government on Monday launched a digital strike on China following tensions on the border with China. The Centre’s Modi government has banned 43 applications. Which contains the name of the larger application. It has already shut down popular apps like UC Browser, Cam Scanner, Share It, Viva Video, including the most popular Tiktok app in India.

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