The child can put together the sounds of beginning and end. For example B and ack = Black Oral language development Oral language is used to communicate with people, to hear, to speak, and to gain opportunities to use the language through new vocabulary that allows children to respond to their needs, ideas, questions – and participate in conversations Sing rhymes / songs, listen to music, explain stories and make predictions, memorize instructions or story events, create a story, play a memory game, etc.
Children can get involved in dancing, drama or acting. Which provides opportunities for verbal communication such as gestures, body language, expression. Recognition Awareness for Early Reading and Writing: Recognition Awareness refers to the ability to recognize the print and understand its meaning.
Words, pictures and functions of printed text and how it relates to oral language, the signs of which are also an essential component of awareness. Creating a rich environment with meaningful impressions is the first step to implementing an early literacy program. These are essential pre-reading and pre-writing skills.
Plenty of books and tools in pre-primary school classrooms to write words on various items in the room such as letter magnets on doors, windows and vaults, block letters available in the language field. Attachment to books: Have children grab books, turn pages, look at pictures / impressions and what is a book? And how is it used? Its connection helps children to understand what is meant by imprint, such as reading the imprint from left to right, from top to bottom. The book has front and back cover, cover and author.
The story has a beginning, a middle and an end and the text can be fact. Rhyme: Awareness of phonology: Awareness of phonology means the belief that language is made up of words, pronunciations, rhymes and sounds. Awareness of phonology refers to the ability to hear and classify every spoken sound and word.
This knowledge initially occurs in oral language. Sound awareness does not require children to learn how to memorize the names of shapes or related sounds. Phonetic awareness requires the development of word awareness in children, understanding the concept of words. Kids can say which word is longer ?, elephant or cat