Dangaria scandal in Orissa, Aditi women are seen doing martial activities, in Nema’s time, Padivasi women are advanced in organic farming – Sik students can be guided by the following steps.
Through this, the women of Sundargarh district of Orissa have achieved a high standard of living through safe, nutritious food and food security. The use of synth tick or inorganic fertilizers in thousands of hectares of land in the district has been avoided.
Nirmala Barla of Brahmamara village states that all things and processes in organic farming are organic. The seeds used in agriculture are also from our farm and are indigenous.
Pesticides are also used by the tribal women in organic farming by posting neem leaves, mahuda jaggery, ginger, cow urine and cow dung.
વાલીએ આપવાનું સંમિતિ પત્રક ઓટોમેટિક એક્સલ ફાઈલ-1
વાલીએ આપવાનું સંમિતિ પત્રક ઓટોમેટિક એક્સલ ફાઈલ-2
વાલી સંમતિ પત્રક.pdf Download
શાળાઓ શરૂ કરવા માટેની (SOP) માર્ગદર્શિકા;Skp.pdf
A group of six students on the role of tribal women in the economic activities of tribal communities Poster Gallery on the role of tribal women in economic activities through this activity Will be able to display their understanding 125