Reading Campaign (Reading Campaign) Reading Capacity-Reading Campaign has been started in Primary Schools in Std. Hearing / narration based oral practice for students of Std. 1 to 8 by G. CERT. The activities that take place in the classroom have been planned.
A teacher’s guide has been prepared on how to conduct these activities in the classroom. These activities are prepared under the name of Maushtik Bhasha Vyavahar – Pravritti Samput (Std. 8).
This package can be retrieved from the QR code shown here. Mr.Bik Language Practice – Activity Complex After doing a good practice activities for me, in the second phase for Std. In which for ROs there is only ag, understanding, learning expression, communication skills.
Sana Mata. Approximately 70 to 15 activities have been placed for 2 to 20 weeks from the study of language learning in points like Cha Varik Tha Karan writing skills etc.
In all these activities the content of all the subjects has been selected as the medium. In this way the subject becomes the subject of the teacher of all subjects, the specialty of the activities :. All the activities have been made to be teachable and pleasant. The honor of doing the activity becomes the ashram of this ray’s kavala vik.