Resignation appreciating change in leave rules of fixed salary employees
Fixed salary workers get only 12 casual leave. No additional holiday advantages. Medical leave is furthermore not accessible. At the similar time, there is a bunch of turmoil in the advantages of medical leave. So, in injunction to enhance this consequence as well as to give the benefit of leave, a demonstration has existed earned by Gujarat State Employees Federation.
Fixed Salary Employees nowadays have CL (1) 15 special break per year which does not accrue additional than 50 and (2) 10 full salary and 30 half pay medical leave (for own illness only) which is carry forward . , But it has a strategy of permission which is provided by the secretary of the department (due to which maximum of the leave is pending for six months).
This strategy has existed revised and the following articulation has existed earned on behalf of Gujarat State Employees Federation,
1. Provision of special leave 30 and carry forward
Medical leave should be pertained not only to one’s own disease but also to the disease of members falling under the description of family and requirement should exist earned for very leave to be decreed by a qualified permission in place of the Secretary of the Department.
. Giving the advantage of two discretionary leave.
All these pressures do not commit any economic responsibility on the government and the need for exit to the employees during this corona period is certain, taking into account the need for the government to take a positive judgment on this issue.
The Government of Gujarat has appointed remedied salary workers in each department. Furthermore, since 1998, a fixed salary has been appointed in the education department from Balguru. And then he is appointed as an educational assistant with a fixed salary of Rs. 2500. Since then, pay scales have also been revised as per the scattered modifications but nothing special has been changed in the benefit of celebrations.
For Fix Employees
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A change in leave rules has accordingly existed proposed by the Employees Federation. Proper advantages of medical leave have also existed introduced.