UGVCL Vidyut Sahayak Computer TEst Canididate List

UGVCL  Vidyut Sahayak Computer TEst Canididate List

List of Candidates for CBT (Computer Based Test) for the post of Vidyut Sahayak (Junior Assistant)

Important features of exam engine software software

1. Modes:

a. Exam Mode – mimics the actual exam environment in which the candidate needs to answer the exam created by the instructor in the given time without taking any help of flash cards.

B. Learn Mode – Provides an interactive learning environment where the candidate can go into each question and see the flash cards and the correct answers to each question.

C. Review Mode – At the end of each exam (learn / exam) mode you can save the results of that exam for future reference. In review mode you can see the answers selected by the candidate along with the saved answers and a detailed explanation of each question (if provided by the author).

2. Display features

a. Ways to read (day / night modes): The exam screen display setting can be changed between day mode (black text on a white background) and night mode (white text on a black background) to help you read at your convenience.

B. Intuitive explorer

3. Supported question types

a. Multiple Choice Single Answer (MCQA)

B. Multiple Choice Multi Answer (MCMA)

C. Drag-n-Drop (text): Text drag and drop can be used for an interactive match of the following types of questions.

D. Drag and drop image.

4 Configurable Exam Options: It is possible to configure several exam options, including the following:

a. Number of questions in the exam (or quiz): Total number of questions available in each exam

B. Random: The instructor can choose whether the questions present in the DB should be presented to the candidate in sequential or random order. There is also a facility to randomize the answer options to each question.

C. Exam Time: The instructor can set a valid time for the candidate to complete the exam

D. Question Bookmaking: The instructor can approve / deny the bookmarking of questions. Questions bookmarked during the exam will be viewed separately by the cab. Candidates can also view only bookmarked questions after the exam.

5. Other features

a. Score Calculation: At the end of each examination (Learn and Exam) the modded candidate is given a score calculation based on the total number of questions present in the examination and the number of questions answered correctly in that examination.

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