Where to Delete Old Messages in Whatsapp Easy trick
The DELETE FOR EVERYONE option continues effective for up to one hour after the statement is sent.
You can also delete years old news by following this gimmick
Suppose you like to abolish a statement sent on 16 September 2020 at 2:11 pm from both you and additional addicts, that is, you like to delete a message 5 days old from 22 September. Long press on the message you like to cancel will discern the two choices Cancle and DELETE FOR ME implying you will just be prepared to delete this message from yourself.
If you want to delete a message from both, attend this pace …
Allow’s cause aversion the internet first.
Go to Settings and click on APP.
Again click on Whatsapp.
Go to Whatsapp and click on Force Stop at the underside.
5. Now go back to the statement or any pleased you like to delete and report the date of that day and the period of the message, as it will appear in helpful.
Note: This choice may differ by phone
9. Now go behind to WhatsApp. So today will be discerned rather of 16th September.
10. Directly if you yearn press to delete the message, you will see the option of ‘DELETE FOR EVERYONE’ instead of ‘DELETE FOR ME’. Now select ‘DELETE FOR EVERYONE’ and cancel the statement.
11. Later deleting, turn on the internet and go back to Date and period and accomplishn’t forget to appoint today’s date and time.