Bhasa Pushp Samanvay Pocket Dairy By Brc Bhavan MORBI
Accounting Responsibilities and Awards:Aadhaar Dias or Aadhaar Dias collects data in all schools of delay, it has been decided to update Aadhaar Dias and introduce new features from 2016-17. Aadhaar Dias app will be online and gradually real Time will move in the direction of data collection, data saz, to do Aadhaar Dias application will have the following features.
Dashboard with data analysis and visual format of information will be developed. It will include chronological information to study the trends of the coming years and to control the growth. Progress indicators will be tracked in key performance.
The method will be integrated with GIS [KShow] and a school report card will be created, અલગ To ensure the quality of the information, a separate module will be prepared for third party verification including mobile application.
The process of collecting information will get better in January 2018, istant comuna UDISE + UDISE + Boy’s Death Ra dius Performance Grading Index: The purpose of the Performance Grading Index is on school education.
indicators by whose operation the grades of the States and Union Territories are to be determined 1, P.G.I. States and Union Territories. Thus, more than one state / UT is allowed to occupy a single grade and so all 36 states and UTS eventually reach the highest level, online in-die, teacher transfers, education and 146