Circular regarding sending information of vacancies of Vidyashayak (Std. 1 to 8 and Std. 6 to 8 Gujarati Medium)

The Government of India has set a target of Rs 400 crore by 2022 for the establishment of Libhi Ret Mata.  Has been done.  This was the purpose of the pat.  The Public-Private Partnership (PPP) model hash, now established by NSDC, is a policy development, infrastructure development, development of national business standards, training, values ​​and skills development activities to enhance the employment capacity of the youth in the state.  

NSDC aims to impart skills to 150 million people in 20 high-growth sectors in Khalkh by the Government of India by 2022, promoting integrated work and coherence in India with the participation of National Skill Development Corporation (NSDC) and Sector Skill Councils (SSC).  

  To facilitate the implementation of skills development in the country, the Government of India has the following key features for skill development such as Central Ministries, State Governments, key features of development.  A separate Ministry of Development and Ministry of Entrepreneurship was created in 2014 for skills.  15 July of the National Policy for Skill Development and Entrepreneurship 2015 to meet the challenges of rapid advancement of skilled individuals, its authenticity, quality and sustainability.  

Unveiled in 2015.  The policy aims to increase opportunities to engage in skills development programs to bring greater coherence between different skills development so as to allocate more public funds and resources, clarify its technology and its avenues, diversify training types, more private provisions and quality management. 

 Integration of Vocational Skills with General Education The National Vocational Education Qualification Femwork (NVE) was launched in 2012 by the Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD) to integrate vocational education with general education and facilitate the transition from school to business or further education.  



It is arranged in a series of levels of “Study Conclusions  which are arranged in ascending order as 10th level. The orbit depends on the complexity of learning.  It is the least complex and the 10 most complex.  Colleges and universities have a comprehensive framework starting with NSGF Level 1 Diploma, (NSGE Level 5 Advanced Diploma and Degree, NSOF Level 6-10). Each level of NSQF is described as a statement of learning outcomes in the following matters: (  Table – 1) in which, 1. required process 2. professional knowledge, 3. professional skills

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