Learn Adages, Idioms & Phrases – Not just learn them but remember them forever!
English Adages, Idiom & Phrases app is an offline idiom dictionary to make your English sound more authentic and will help you to memorize the most challenging adages, idioms and phrases in the simplest way possible.
You often come across this unusual jargon (Adages and Idioms) like “hold your horses” or “once in a blue moon” and try to comprehend them word to word, which does not make any sense whatsoever. We generally let go of this category, which is a very critical part of English. We can see native speakers using idioms in their day-to-day conversations as well. Once you start using these, you will understand how crucial they are to enhancing your overall speaking skills.
We have identified the most used idioms and phrases along with the definition and origin and grouped them with multiple examples so you can easily relate to how to use them. That’s not it; we have added similar idioms wherever applicable, so you can have multiple options to choose from.
You can also switch between various idioms basis on their status like idioms learning, idioms already learnt and idioms not started yet.
The app uses a unique “Spaced Repetition Technique.”
Spaced repetition is a memory exercise that involves reviewing and recalling information at optimal spacing intervals until the information is learned at a sufficient level. Spaced repetition leverages a memory phenomenon called the spacing effect, which describes how our brains learn more effectively when we space our learning over time. The use of spaced repetition has been proven to increase the rate of learning.
So, whenever you learn a new idiom, it’s not the end of the story, but the app will keep making you revise it with different questions based on that idiom, having properly spaced intervals so that the chances of retention will be maximum.
Apart from this, you also have the option to mark your favourite idioms so that you can check them later. You can also view the progress you are making daily, like the time spent learning idioms and the number of revisions made.

♦ More than 413000 english definitions and large number of inflected forms
♦ You can leaf through words using your finger (swipe right and left)
♦ Manage your bookmarks, personal notes and search history
♦ Crossword help: the symbol ? can be used in place of single unknown letter. The symbol * can be used in place of any group of letters. The fullstop symbol . can be used to mark the end of a word.
♦ Random search button (shuffle), useful to learn new words
♦ Share word definition using other apps, like gmail or whatsapp
♦ Compatible with Moon+ Reader, FBReader and other applications via share button
♦ Backup&restore configuration, personal notes and bookmarks on local memory, Google Drive, Dropbox and Box clouds (available only if you have installed these applications on your device)
♦ Camera search via OCR Plugin, available only on devices with back camera. (Settings->Floating Action Button->Camera). The OCR Plugin has to be downloaded from Google Play.
Fuzzy search
♦ To search words with prefix, e.g. starting with ‘moon’, please write moon* and the dropdown list will show the words starting with ‘moon’
♦ To search words with suffix, e.g. ending with ‘moon’, please write *moon. and the dropdown list will show the words ending with ‘moon’
♦ To search words containing a word, e.g. ‘moon’, just write *moon* and the dropdown list will show the words containing ‘moon’
Your settings
♦ Black and white themes with user defined text colors (press menu–>select Settings–>click on Theme)
♦ Optional Floating Action Button (FAB) supporting one of the following actions: Search, History, Favorites, Random search and Share option; Optional shake action with similar actions.
♦ Persistent Search option to get automatic keyboard at startup
♦ Text to speech options, including selection of British or American accent (press menu–>select Settings–>click on Text to Speech–>select Language)
♦ Number of items in history
♦ Customisable font size and line spacing, default screen orientation
♦ Start up option: home page, most recent word, random word or word of the day
Key features:
1) Daily Revision
2) Similar Idioms Suggestion
3) Daily Progress Tracking
4) Search and Favourite Option
5) Sleek User Interface
6) Idiom Information like origin
7) Keep tab on idioms count status wise
If you are preparing for exams like GRE, IELTS, SAT or TOEFL, this app can be useful.
Installing the “English Adages, Idiom and Phrase” app on your smartphone will let you learn English idioms with no effort at all.