Gujarat Virtual Shala online Exam for std 9 TO 12 Students discern the strides on how to seize the exam & EXAM LINK
Below the home learning policy of Samagra Shiksha, Gujarat , online classes of Gujarat Virtual School Std-9 and Std-10 Mathematics (10 AM), Science (11 AM) Std-10 English (2.15 PM) and Std-12 Accounts (12.15 PM), Statistics (1.15 PM), Mathematics (12.15 PM) will be examined on 03-10-2020 . So to contribute in this exam, click on the link below and you will see the live video of our channel in front of you. Click on the video of that class. At the outset of the class, you will exist provided the link of the exam in the Live Chat Box of that video. Can give. So please bring this message to all the students so that ultimate number of students can contribute in this exam.
In this difficult times authorizing students out on studies is not at all a safe judgment so the Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD) in federation with the National Council for Teacher Education (NCTE) has started an ambition in the region of digital learning, called DIKSHA portal. The central purpose of the Diksha portal this Diksha e-learning portal is to increase teachers and the students to conserve their researches generally but in a various method of learning.
Study at Home through DIKSHA portal – Amid the stretch of the COVID-19 pandemic, a national lockdown has existed declared sincerely by the Hon. Prime Minister of India, who has petitioned all the inhabitants to collaborate and stay at residence to curb the spread of the Corona Virus. During the turbulent times when the students are missing out on studies, the Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD) in association with the National Council for Teacher Education (NCTE) has launched an ambition in the domain of digital learning, named, DIKSHA portal. The aim of this enterprise is to help teachers and the students to begin again their studies as usual, nonetheless, through various methods.
સમગ્ર શિક્ષા, ગુજરાતના હોર્મ લર્નિંગ કાર્યક્રમ અંતર્ગત “સ્વમૂલ્યાંકન” – Student’s WhatsApp-based Mulkyankan આરંભ કરવામાં આવી રહ્યું છે. “સ્વમૂલ્યાંકન” હેઠળ દરેક વિદ્યાર્થીનું WhatsAppના માધ્યમ દ્વારા ખૂબ જ સરળ રીતે ધોરણ અને વિષય-આધારીત બહુવૈકલ્પીક મૂલ્યાંકન કરવામાં આવશે અને તે પછી પરીણામ આધારીત ઉપચારાત્મક અને સંદર્ભ અભ્યાસની લિંક પણ મોકલવામાં આવશે.
સ્વમૂલ્યાંકન અંતર્ગત પહેલી કસોટી ધો.10 માટે તા.02/01/2021 નાં રોજ લેવામાં આવનાર છે. નીચે આપેલ વ્હોટસેપ નંબર ધોરણ-10 નાં દરેક વિદ્યાર્થીઓ સુધી પહોંચાડવાનો રહેશે તથા આપના તાબા હેઠળની શાળાઓનાં ધોરણ-10 માં અભ્યાસ કરતાં તમામ વિદ્યાર્થીઓ આ સ્વમૂલ્યાંકનમાં ભાગ લે તે આપની કક્ષાએથી સુનિશ્ચિત કરવા વિનંતી.
આના માટે વિદ્યાર્થીને પોતાનો શાળાનો UDISE કોડનો ખ્યાલ હોય તે સુનિશ્ચિત કરવા દરેક વિદ્યાર્થીને પોતાની શાળાનો UDISE કોડ ખ્યાલ હોય તે કન્ફર્મ કરવાનું રહેશે.
સ્વમૂલ્યાંકન WhatsApp Number: 8595524523
નોંધ : આ નંબરને WhatsApp Learning Gujarat નાં નામથી સેવ કરવાનો રહેશે.
વધુ માહિતી માટે User Manualને અનુસરવી.
ઉપરના સ્ટેપ્સ અનુસર્યા પછી આ પ્રકારનો મેસેજ આવશે
UDISE કોડ નાખશો એટલે આપનો ટેસ્ટ વોટ્સએપ પર જ શરુ થઇ જશે
This lockdown has influenced several industries and primarily education. Wait at Home is the only medicine to save existences and Study at Home is the only choice to protect alive the education in every student. So, today y we have come up with a new theory phoned Study At Home through Diksha Portal. Due to the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic, our Honble. The Prime minister has seized the visit to lock down the whole nation to control the coronavirus spread.
How to Put up with Online Exam for Gujarat Virtual Shala
Rungs to enroll the real education, Gujarati online exam Gujarat Virtual School
The SAMAGRA SHIKSHA comprises lessons varying from pre-primary education to standard 12. With the broad goal of enhancing school cogency, everyone gets an excellent education and equal chances for schooling and equal learning consequences are seized into account. The SAMAGRA SHIKSHA encompasses three pre-schemes of SARVA SHIKSHA ABHIYAN (SSA), RASHTRIYA MADHYAMIK SHIKSHA ABHIYAN (RMSA) AND SHIKSHAK SHIKSHAN (TE).
At the period of COVID-19 inflammation, all schools were announced sealed by the government. Below this HOME LEARNING program has occurred started by the government. In this policy, SAMAGRA SHIKHSA, Governmet of Gujarat has tried to engage the students through live broadcasts through virtual classes so that the learners realize like they are studying in the classroom. In which very good cooperation has been collected from the students.
Welcome to the Virtual Class of Std-9 to 12 under the Home Learning Program through the SAMAGRA SHIKSHA. You can watch our live class live summary via the additional media link. If you have any statement, please let us know. Please share this video with pertinent student friends around you.