Knowledge through activity Pragya is the approach to acquiring knowledge through activity. Purposeful activity is central to this approach. The child likes to do the activity. The child learns through activity. In this approach children get enjoyable education through activity oriented education without beating, group based education is grouped according to the level of students in this approach.
In traditional classroom teaching, the teacher teaches all the children in the class together. (Here the teacher guides each group according to his need.) In this approach students are divided into six groups. His name is as follows. (1) Teacher Support Group (2) Partial Teacher Support Group (3) Fellow Support Group Peer Group Learning), (3) Aashiq Fellow Time Group (5) Self Study Jay (4) Mulya Kane Group. The division will be based not on the number of students in the class, but on the child’s learning ability. Classroom Procedure Pragya The class teacher will adopt a different type of caste system than the normal classroom for classroom management.
Classroom management is an important part of this approach, as seating arrangements will be grouped by students and the teacher will sit down with the children in the group according to their card. The teacher will arrange the seating arrangement of the students in such a way that he can observe and regulate all the students in each group. 70 Pragya Adhyayan – Teaching Materials In this approach the teacher will produce subject based teaching or supplementary study – teaching materials. In which he will arrange the standard-subject card in the corner of the class.
From which the student will take his card which he will learn to sit in the group. The class teacher should keep the necessary supporting materials available in the classroom. As the teacher acquires the ability to create as well as use materials for multilevel learning, classmates learn at this pace in their approach. Learn by interacting with other students in the group. Peer-to-peer learning is the most important aspect of the approach. Students learn through mutual cooperation.
Students develop intimacy with other students. The spirit of helping them develops, the child learns on his own. So his confidence increases. The opportunity to work with all the children in the class develops a sense of community. This approach gives children of different levels equal opportunity to learn.
The assessment intelligence approach will not have the traditional assessment and examination method, in this approach the progress of the student entering a new milestone at the end of a milestone is a kind of assessment.
The student class who completes all the milestones of that standard is promoted. No student is considered a failure at any stage. In this approach the student moves forward by getting education according to his ability and speed. Whether the students have achieved the required academic achievement can be assessed. As well as the ability to self-evaluate one’s work, equipment and method and improve it. Thus, in this approach the student teacher can get an estimate of his / her achievements. In addition a student progress report can be sent to the parent.
Thus the Pragya approach is a transformative approach in the field of classroom education, which is a blessing in disguise for both the teacher and the students. Achieve the opportunity for activity-oriented, enjoyable learning without stress.
Every child should get quality education and develop his / her ability, evaluate whether the children have achieved the required academic achievement, • self-evaluate their work and equipment and methods and acquire the ability to improve. Develop and acquire the materials for multilevel education. Children get protection from each other.