Antices Act 1961 200 1061 MM | Dha T T 1973, 19th D Yarig or MA M Bhali Thai ”Nathwa Rath Moto, Malik, G. The same woman is said to have been killed. Vt17) Kharvo is also said to be 15 N 6th Sha Khathal Vasan Jo.
pak kappa haal k.kad pratha and 2018 koi vavala thi jo dum kare. Upal 05 Supaichi Upoj Erin Mithun Vepar or Haak Vedhak or Emerging as both) Lesson 1975 I was put in fatigue so the miners are very technical and rhythmic.
From Maa Jal, the training of candidates is a web call for legitimate trades or for the happiness of the Act, Epitha Dara will determine whether the 5 drops can be manifested in law business or monopoly or non-engineer Pava technical or any subjective spirit in any subject spirit.
It is mainly categorized as Patim, small technician and technician Aptim or K Warim Thavasi as a qualified trainee. (The duration of their training can be from 10 + 2 meters to 3 years from Madima.
The reasons are Yar categories, Business Instructor Bachelor, Technical Key and Technical (Professional) Entrepreneurship Trade ) Differs from the system. Take the oath of training. ApprenticesAct 1961– Training Training Scheme which is implemented in Mumbai, Kolkata, Chennai and Kanpur Mar Applied Apprenticeship Training Regional Board (DATy) State Education Department and District Education Office.
Who is in touch with BOATS Apprenticeshiptrainin The law sets a minimum age of 14 years for an apprentice as well as a risky 18 years in the industry. It is suggested that the Act stipulates that in case the institute does not receive key training in advance, the instructors will be given basic training before entering the workshop for practical training. The Bill clarifies that such training can be provided with adequate facilities in any institute.