Matter of planning for “TWINING OF SCHOOLS”

 Teachers can also motivate the child to write through the attendance chart.  How to react in a rich print-based environment in P1, (items. Words, wall. News messages, books, labels on open boxcar boxes, notes, children’s reading-writing photos. Namecards, familiar food packets, with a rich class room)  Opportunities for children’s story (read aloud, read sequential stories) and from the picture and story book, impression-rich environment, sound differentiation activities such as recognizing beginning and end sounds, can try to picture Shite (by label on posters (at eye level).

 Discuss and separate picture books, shapes and symbols.  Selecting appropriate books for age and development related to children’s own experiences.  Reading a book during a whole group / circle should be fun and instructive for children and teachers.  Read with the finger under the imprint at the right pace, so that the children can understand the meaning of the text.  Read and watch story books in groups.  Storytelling and storytelling.  Language play for awareness of sound parts (sounds, pronunciations and rhymes).  

For example what initial sound do you hear in your name (for example written initial sound bahu / b) in each activity place a variety of paper (lined and non-lined) and writing tools such as, thick cayenne, thick pencil, thick marker to keep the children depicted.  Provide sand trays and these cars for writing in the sand.  

Puppetry, keeping theatrical material helpful in the story book.  To make necessary changes in the story book to meet the individual needs and interests of each child.  The teacher may use tactile objects or other objects to enhance the early learning experience and make the content inclusive and accessible to all children.  


This program will have to be completed by 7/8/2071 to 08/04/2071.

Use music videos to learn rhymes, music and actions, see and find the letters on the keyboard.  You also need to make your participants understand how to monitor and evaluate children’s learning.  The following indicators of early similarity development in children need to be explored.  For example use language to express their thoughts.  Describes size, shape, color and location.  They regulate eye and ear coordination to align and bind the block.  Combines letters to form words.  Can give new words to poems / songs.  .  The text follows from left to right.  Handles the story and talks about the story.

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