Police Constable Model Papers | 10 Papers Set | Police Exam Material By ShikshanJagat

 Have a discussion  Thinking Thoughts – Expanding the meaning of poetry / environmental awareness Seasonal change has a profound effect on life Thoughts in the context of poetry in the classroom  Converse with. Give full freedom to the students to guess. Speaking of language- Grammar / estimation in context One of the many characteristics of shadow poets is the use of adjectives.

 In this poem also, adjectives have been used creatively, such as —-  “Soft song.  Mridul Vasant Hare-Hare The adjective which describes the specialty of a noun (or pronoun), is called a speciality.  The words Gaat, Vasant and Pat are special in the above phrases, because their specialty is telling the words Mridul and Hare-Hare respectively.  Teachers can ask their students to find and write more such words. 

 Poetry can be other than ‘sound’.  Similarly, other points of grammar (such as suffixes, prefixes, suffixes, etc.) can be discussed with the help of text.  Thinking – Thought – Feeling – Expansion and environmental awareness • I will not end now The feeling contained in the verse may be different for different students sitting in the class. 

 For example, for a girl, the expression of these lines will present a different kind of challenge.  It may also mean different for students who get good results in exams/sports.  Ask your students to write down the expressions of these lines in diary form by adding them to themselves.  Students can also be asked to express their feelings in the form of paragraphs or creative writing.  Prepare a compilation of poems written on spring.  

Creative expression: After teaching poetry, the interest and creativity born in the students should also be given opportunity.  For this, some poems selected by the students and teachers in the class can be put in the form of posters.  Also some activities can be done to promote this interest:- Try to make a different poem in each line keeping in mind the given lines — • .  • • There is no work to do. Children are swarming in the plains.

Note – After the students have done the work, discuss the different poems.  With the help of this, take and give information from the students about the understanding of the poem.  With this, they will easily get practical information about the importance of words in poetry and various elements of poetic beauty. 

 In this way the process of assessment and teaching-learning will go on simultaneously.  Literary Lessons Teaching Laghana Abhyasakrammo Lapana Diverse Forms Representation Hurta Tudayoni Samadhay Chhe.  Tema Vartakho Lodayo, Geeto, Natakona Manshi (Yatma) Upaniritr Lejo New Poetry Temak Rich Vayan Anubhav Sadhva Mate Mahiti Ne Nyatmapathi No Samakalp Thay Chhe.  

Ranadhi Fellows Temana Bhasha Shalyne Saksham Hare Chhe Valuationa Vishwas Teman Indian Equality, Incorporated Practices, Environmental Heavy Known Every Sensitivityna Vikasma Mah Hare Chhe.  Padyanum teaching : Padma Bhakhana whose traditional use has been done in two ways.  

Tethi tene aadhyapanali road methodology 432 chhe hareno se anubhav chhede avitaane samvarpako problem but communication is scary.  The vita is not clear, but the bride Galit (Ghan) chhe.  Vitana tha khane talathi aapo tikho sarjatathi ne khup mochha pratyothi yah agreed.  

Vilasarine didi hoy to sambhajanar talaali effect hare chhe ne vaydni lagsikho ke bhavnayonne direct yapil hey chhe.  Yapari dvitano use vyadrasana pahna khadhar mahe ravi road nahi utma aaple having strong meaning as matte vitane shibhavata nadhi or rete overall rete anuma teman parayela shahi, alpana, vichaar, etc.  Six •

 Enthusiasts start fear, avyana content is related to 4 me haitro current letterna leppo koreno use diary studentkhona temana chapra experience special vaat harva encouraged 52.  


Click here to Model Paper 1

Click here to Model Paper 2

Click here to Model Paper 3

Vidyarthiyon vita or avini background ( purvlumizh ) vishesh vata 12 va prerva  sad el az ( azd Holly ( 11 ) 2407 832 43 dl. dvitana vidyarine dandama sambhavo .. avyana subject matter sathai related davitana shabhi syllables start lines wah rajvahanne wahne rajwabhan .  are en cien

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