Sarkari Madhyamik Shalao ma Shikshan Sahayako ni Bharti prakriya- Nimnuk Patrak Aenayat Karykram-2021
Shikshan Sahayak Bharti Prakriya Nimnuk Patrak Aenayat Program Live on Youtube..
Shikshan Sahayak Bharti – Sarkari Madhyamik- 2021.
The teacher has been using various approaches in school education or classroom education for the holistic development of the students. Sometimes it’s a teacher’s candy, a children’s candy or a textbook. Integrity is centered on the classroom or the textbook, with all the children in the class at the center.
It has always been difficult to educate all the children in the totality class on the basis of their ability, speed, taking into account their individual strengths. Academics and teachers are in search of an approach in which all children in the classroom can be involved in the learning process, their academic achievements can be measured individually. Pragya Pragya is an approach that is conducive to all these requirements through group based activity in which by engaging and using self-made learning materials, students get enjoyable education through peer learning according to their ability and do not value the education received by students as well as teachers. Is.
The educational process of this approach is related to learning without bar, the understanding of the main points of the Pragya approach is as follows. Gyan Prasha through activity is an approach of intensive acquisition through activity. In this approach purposeful activity is at the center, the child likes to do the activity. The child learns through activity.
In this approach children get enjoyable learning through activity oriented learning without stress. In this unigam, six groups are formed according to the level of students, in traditional Vatra education, the teacher mixes all the children in the class together, here the teacher guides each group according to his need. In this approach, students are divided into six groups. (1) Teacher Support Group (2) Auric Teacher Support Group (3) Peer Support Group (Peer Learning) [4] Aashiq Peer Support Group (3) Self Study Jui 3] Evaluation group not based on the number of students in the class. , Will be based on the child’s learning ability. Classroom specific procedures As a matter of fact, according to the meeting arrangement, the teacher will sit the students down in the group with the children according to their card.
The teacher will arrange the seating arrangement of the students in such a way that he / she can observe and regulate all the students in each group. In this approach, the teacher will create a subject-based co-curricular or supplementary study-teaching material. In which he will arrange the standard-subject card in the corner of the wag. From which the student will take his card which will sit in that group to get education. The teacher should keep the necessary supporting materials available in the classroom. So that the teacher acquires the ability to create as well as use materials for multilevel learning. Classmates learn at their own pace in this approach. Learning by interacting with other students in the group, Puregroup learning is the most important aspect of peer learning in Amingam.
Students collaborate | Receive education. Students develop intimacy with other students. The spirit of helping them develops. The child is learning on his own. So his confidence increases. The opportunity to work with all the children in the class develops a sense of community. In this approach children of different levels have got equal opportunity to learn.

In this approach the progress of a student entering a new milestone at the end of a milestone is a kind of assessment, which promotes the student class that completes all the milestones of that type.
No student sings Napas at any stage. In this approach the student moves forward by getting education according to his ability and speed. Students are able to assess whether or not they have achieved the required academic achievement, as well as the ability to improve their work, equipment and husband without self-assessment. Thus, in this amigam the student teacher can get an estimate of his own achievements.
The progress report of the student can be passed on to the guardian, thus Pragya Avirbhagam is the amingam that will bring change in the field of class education. For the teacher and the students the animal, V is forgiving. Objectives of the Pragya approach. Every child should have the opportunity to get education according to his / her pace.