Do you apply mascara everyday? These 5 disadvantages can happen

 Do you apply mascara everyday? These 5 disadvantages can happen

Kajal enhances the beauty of our eyes and gives it a shape and perfect size. Also, by applying kajal, you look stylish and the face becomes bolder and brighter. But applying kajal everyday can harm your eyes at times. Actually, if you apply kajal everyday and do not apply for a day, then your eyes can look strange. Also, the skin around the eyes may also feel strange. In such a situation, it is important that you know about the disadvantages of applying kajal daily and then avoid it.

5 Disadvantages of applying kajal daily – Disadvantages of applying kajal daily in hindi

1. May cause allergic reactions in the eyes

If you apply kajal daily, it can cause allergic reactions in the eyes . Especially if you use chemical-rich kajal purchased from the market, then this mascara can cause a reaction to the eyes, which can cause itching and other problems in your eyes. So try to apply homemade kajal.

2. Dark circles increase

Have you ever noticed that the dark circles of your eyes are increasing by applying kajal. Yes, many people complain that when they remove kajal, they see a deep dark circle near their eyes. These dark circles do not go away easily and when you go out without applying kajal, they are visible immediately.

3. Wrinkles may increase under the eyes

If you are doing any work every day, then you can clearly see its loss. Actually, applying kajal daily can increase the wrinkles under your eyes. Also, small fine lines can be seen emerging. In such a situation, you should avoid applying kajal daily.

4. May cause dry eye problem

People who apply kajal daily can often feel the problem of dry eyes . Actually, applying kajal daily makes your eyes water dry and sometimes it causes irritation in the eyes. Also, you may feel that the health of your eyes can also be affected due to the use of kajal.

5. Increases the risk of eye infection

Applying kajal daily can increase the infection of your eyes. Actually, when you apply kajal daily, its chemicals can cause a reaction in the eyes. Also, if someone else is using this mascara, then it can also spread the infection of conjunctivitis. So, to avoid all these situations, use homemade kajal, do not share kajal with anyone and do not apply kajal everyday.

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